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La próxima vez envío el 19 de marzo


  • $ 2,002.00
  • $ 2,275.00
- 12%
Llévate 10 artículos y obtén un 12 % de descuento -código MUCHLOVE
El 10% de las ganancias se destinará a parteras tradicionales y proyectos sociales -desde 2016
Sólo hilos de origen vegetal -transpirable
  • Description
  • Materials
  • Vision
  • Washing Instruction
  • Note
  • Description
  • Antama “Manta Orgánica Yegoyoxi, Tintes Naturales”

    Cómoda manta multiusos. Se utiliza para envolver a los bebés, como manta para los más pequeños y como manta para el regazo de los adultos. Tamaño perfecto para envolverlos, amamantarlos, descansar y mucho más.

    100% algodón orgánico y nativo hilado a mano, originario de Oaxaca y Egipto.

    Disponible en colores: azul-marrón, marrón vino, gris-marrón.

    Materiales orgánicos y cuidadosamente seleccionados para la salud de la piel.

    ¿A menudo te sientes sospechoso al leer las etiquetas de las mantas de bebé convencionales?

    ¿Dudabas de la calidad y pureza de los ingredientes y te preocupabas intensamente si podrían dañar la delicada piel de los más pequeños de la familia?

    Bueno, lo entendemos perfectamente… ¡Nosotros también!

    ¡Por eso, la producción de esta manta orgánica y teñida de forma natural es un proyecto que nos llega al corazón! ¡Está hecha con la intención de utilizar los mejores materiales disponibles!

    Las telas de dos caras están teñidas con tintes naturales seleccionados intencionalmente. Nuestro algodón orgánico es transpirable y se vuelve más suave con el uso.

    ¡Nunca más te sientas culpable al envolver a tus hijos (o a ti mismo)!


    • 100 % hilado a mano
    • No tóxico
    • Tintes naturales
    • Tejido en telar de pedales
    • Material transpirable
    • Practico multitalento
    • 100% hecho a mano

    Medidas aproximadas: 110 cm x 87 cm

  • Materials




    The cotton used is native to the Costa Chica of Oaxaca and Guerrero. It is heritage white and coyuchi cotton (brown color) from 35 small producers from 12 coastal communities of Oaxaca. The farmers participate in a program for ecological production and the increase of biodiversity in their plots.






    The gray color is obtained from the acacia trees pods (huizache).




    The brown color comes from the oak bark. The bark is collected in the forests of the Sierra Sur. It is very similar to the color of the naturally colored cotton we use called coyuche.






    The burgundy color is obtained from cochineal produced in the Oaxaca Valley (Zimatalán). These are mixed with coyuche cotton. Please note: the wine colors leak more in the wash than blue or brown colors. 




    Indigo Indigofera Suffruticosa- is a native plant to Mexico. Our indigo dye comes from the Istmo region of Oaxaca and is produced by a family that still preserves the knowledge of the alchemy how to create the plant dye.

  • Vision
  • More about the textiles: 


    We purchase the textiles from a project that has the idea to participate in a meaningful, culturally appropriate, sustainable artisanal production that supports rural life through cottage industry.



    To be a significant and reliable force for the generation of well-being, prosperity and independence within the life of the people of San Sebastián Rio Hondo, Oaxaca.



    At present, there are 200 women from the villages and ranches of San Sebastián Rio Hondo who remove with their hands the seeds of cotton brought from the coast, card and spin it, all by hand using spinning wheels in their homes.


    Local carpenters reproduce the wheel designed by Gandhi so that each artisan has her own.


    There are two types of handicraft fabric applied in the village: Pedal loom and waist loom.

  • Washing Instruction
  • Washing instruction:

      • Wash Separately 
      • Hand wash/ Delicate Wash
      • Water 30 ºC
      • Mild neutral Liquid Soap 
      • Dry in Shade, Flat Dry (please note the possibility of color leaking)
      • Iron Damp On Low
      • No Bleach, No Tumble Dryer


    • Keep natural dyed products out of direct sunlight. When drying outside please dry in a shaded area.
    • Please make sure detergent or soap does not come into direct contact with the dyed material. Dissolve in water first.
    • Do not use bleach. Some household detergents contain bleach so please check before use.
    • Please be careful around acids, most of the dyes can react to acid.
    • It is possible some of the dyes will change color when they come in contact with iron or copper while wet.
  • Note
  • Handwoven apparel are artisan crafted by hand from start to finish and might change slightly in size or color, contain some weavers knots, pulls or other signs about handwork. The color of naturally dyed textiles is not always equal on the whole fabric but can be darker or lighter in some parts, it can also fade when washed. Each thread dyeing and weaving also creates slightly different piece, so each cloth is unique.

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