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  • $ 389.00
  • $ 599.00
- 35%
Take 10 items, get 12% discount -code MUCHLOVE
10% of the gains will be directed to traditional midwives and social projects -since 2016
Only plant based threads -breathable
  • Description
  • Description
  • Antama “Seconds Thick Faja”

    SECONDS QUALITY FAJAS - These fajas have some details in the color or weave that make them categorized as second quality. The flaw might be only a small visual like a difference in the threads or pattern or a hole in the fabric.

    Each faja has a -35% discount on them to reflect the situation.


    Regular faja Information:

    Traditional faja (belt/sash) made out of double cotton fabric with plaits in the end.

    Fajas have been used traditionally all around the world to give extra support during pregnancy, postpartum, and during work & prayer.

    Find Support in Moments You Need an Extra Hug Around Your Womb ♡

    Enjoy physical and energetic support & protection through the use of our powerful, extra-thick faja.

    Ease The Tensions Of Your Hard-Working Body

    Your faja will aid your body immensely during work, menstruation, dance, postpartum, pregnancy, and prayer - through strengthening the mid of your body with the help of its extra comfortable and hefty double fabric.

    All of our products are ethically produced and support life in rural Mexican areas, local community projects, and midwifery.


    • 100 % cotton
    • Breathable material
    • Physical support for the growing belly/uterus /hips
    • Woven on a pedal loom in Oaxaca, Mexico
    • Only plant-based threads
    • Energetic protection
    • Supports day-to-day life
    • 100 % artisan-made

    At antama you find:

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